Welcome to the web site of the Sustainable Energy Transitions (SET) group, led by Prof. Dharik Mallapragada
The SET group is interested in developing mathematical modeling approaches to analyze low-carbon technologies and their energy system integration under different policy and geographical contexts. The group’s research aims to create the knowledge and analytical tools necessary to support accelerated energy transitions in developed economies like the U.S. as well as emerging market and developing economy countries in the global south that are central to global climate mitigation efforts. We develop mathematical models for design and operations of processes and integrated energy systems. We use a wide range of computational techniques in our work including first-principle and data-driven modeling, formulating and solving mixed integer linear/nonlinear optimization models and data analytics for variability and uncertainty characterization.
Recent topics of interest to the group include:
- Synthesizing and analyzing low-carbon pathways for difficult-to-decarbonize sectors like industry and heavy-duty transport, both of which are anticipated to see substantial growth in the coming decades,
- Integrated energy infrastructure planning and enabling market designs to support deep decarbonization of the energy system
- Pathways for accelerating the energy transition with reduced life cycle environmental and socio-economic impacts considering climate change impacts and technological evolution.
The members of SET group are expected to take full responsibility to complete their research project, honestly and judiciously, collaborate professionally with other group members and be invested in their own as well as other group members’ success.